Looking to reduce the number of physical product samples?

Collaborative Digital Product Creation

reduce the number of physical product samples

The Fashion industry is responsible for 10% of the world's emissions!

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70% of those emissions comes from the production, preparation and processing of raw materials.

Current product development processes rely on the production of millions of physical product samples every year.

These samples are used to review and validate new collection designs, for photo shooting and for B2B sell-in. By the end of the year, they are either in a landfill or have been burnt!

What if instead than ordering thousands of physical product samples each year, you could empower your designers to create and share their product collections online in Interactive 3D?

These true-to-life digital samples could then be used for:

  • online line-review with all cross-functional teams
  • generating photo-realistic product visuals
  • creating 3D & AR product experiences

Emersya empowers brands and manufacturers to build more efficient, collaborative & sustainable product lifecycle workflows.

Our easy-to-use online solution enables users to create, review & validate new product collections in Interactive 3D & AR, then automatically generate production data & marketing content.

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