IPP Pumps

Create engaging content for industrial product

Showcase internal components with transparent views

Demonstrate mechanisms through 3D animations

Case studies : Transparent view of the mechanism of a pump . The 3D allows the discovery by the customer of the inside of the product and the animation shows how mechanisms work. IPP brand was trying to find an immersive way for the discovery of the hidden parts of his product to illustrate their high level of technology.
Case studies frame 1
Case studies frame 1

Hydraulic pump animation in Interactive 3D

IPP were confronted with the challenge of presenting both the interior and the exterior of their industrial pumps at the same time.
They were also looking for an interactive way of demonstrating the internal mechanism in motion.


Present both the inside and the outside of industrial products

Demonstrate the internal mechanisms in motion
Offer more engaging & interactive online product content


Thanks to Emersya’s platform, IPP were able to create an Interactive 3D product experience for their hydraulic pump.

Using material animations, they were able to add the option of making the product’s exterior semi-transparent to that customers would be able to see the internal mechanism through the product’s outer layer. The 3D animation of the internal mechanism was made cyclic to simulate the actual product’s continuous mechanical action.

Transparent view of the mechanism of a pump . The 3D allows the discovery by the customer of the inside of the product and the animation shows how mechanisms work. IPP brand was trying to find an immersive way for the discovery of the hidden parts of his product to illustrate their high level of technology.
Semi-transparent outer layer

These real time 3D animations help online customers to better understand how the product works in more interactive and engaging experience. The IPP pump project is great example of how offering digital product experiences in Interactive 3D can enhance product presentation and enable consumers to discover products in a ways that would not be possible physically.

3D animation of the mechanism of the iLobe IPP pump . The 3D and the triggers allows the brand to organize scenarios for the discovery of the product by the customer on their website . IPP brand was trying to find an immersive way to illustrate how the mechanisms work and the high level of technology of their pumps.
Triggered 3D animations

About the company

ipp Pump Products GmbH are convinced that for processes with sanitary application, the rotary lobe pump is the best solution from all pumping principles. 

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