Interactive 3D Product Storytelling

Present your products in a more engaging and enriching way

Empower consumers to discover the story behind your products...

Today’s world is full of digital experiences trying to distract every consumer’s attention.
Standing out from the crowd means offering customers a unique and personalized shopping experience that exceeds consumer expectations!

How can you engage consumers whilst effectively transmitting your product’s key selling points and technical specifications?

With Emersya’s Interactive 3D technology you can create consumer-led, product-centric shopping experiences that turn passive shoppers into active customers!

Apple watch in exploded view with annotations. Right side view of the product

Emersya's Interactive 3D is an all-in-one medium that allows customers to:

  • Explore products inside & out, from all angles and in great detail
  • Browse interactive product visuals of the highest quality
  • Learn about a product’s story through enriched content
  • Simulate & try out product features interactively
  • Discover product technology & internal components through exploded views
  • Preview & compare all colorways in a product range

Emersya’s Interactive 3D technology can be embedded in any website and integrated with existing CMS, eCommerce, ERP and PIM / DAM systems. The same web-based Interactive 3D experience can be shared across a brand’s retail network and offered online and in-store, on any device.

The Emersya platform enables brands to effortlessly create, manage, deploy and share immersive 3D & AR shopping experiences, without any advanced technical expertise.

Here are some examples of the Interactive 3D product Storytelling experiences our clients have created using the Emersya platform:

Webpage of the 3D product discovery of Leki trekking poles. You can use the 3D animations and triggers to discover all the features of the product. For example try how to open and close it.
Whirlpool handblender webpage with triggered 3D animations. The hotspots trigger different 3D real-time animations. On the screenshot, you can see 8 triggers.
Vitra webpage presenting a tutorial for all the functionalities of the model Pacific Chair. This tutotial include 10 steps : prior to adjustments, seat height, seat depth, backrest resistance, forward tilt & desactivation, backrest locking mechanism, backrest height, armrest height, armrest pads, headrest and coat hanger. Here they present the "forward tilt & desactivation" functionality with a trigger on the 3D view of the chair.

Looking to increase consumer engagement and drive sales across your retail network?

Ready to start turning your 3D models into online Interactive 3D product experiences?

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