LEKI Trekking Poles Interactive 3D Product simulation

Discover products in Interactive 3D online

Examples August 8th, 2019
Every product has a story to tell…

LEKI now present their state-of-the-art trekking poles in real-time Interactive 3D, providing their online customers with the freedom to discover the product in a more engaging and immersive way.

LEKI use triggered animations, dynamic annotations and an interactive story-telling User Interface to show how the trekking poles can be assembled, adjusted and folded.

The triggered product animations linked to a story telling interface help to guide customers through the product simulation, while Interactive 3D empowers them to take control and fully explore products for themselves. Dynamic annotations with pre-defined view points for the different parts of the product, also allow shoppers to gain detailed insights into the product parts that interest them.

All of these features can be set up easily and efficiently on the Emersya platform to create unique product simulation and story-telling experiences.

Find out how Leki created this Interactive 3D product experience here:

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