BIC Sport

Visualize foil online from any angle

Discover product features interactively

Explore components with exploded views

Case studies : Screenshot of the Bic Sport webpage showing the Techno Wind Foil 130 product. The animation created with the Emersya platform permit to the brand a guided tour for the customer to discover all the details of the product.
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BIC Techno foil with exploded construction views

BIC Sport have developed a highly technical foil for windsurf boards.
The brand was looking to provide an interactive experience to demonstrate the product technology as well as how the foils fit onto their specially designed boards.


Provide 360° view of the foil design and materials for online customers

Present the internal construction components

Demonstrate how the foil fits onto the board


With Emersya’s technology, BIC Sport were able to create triggered animations in Interactive 3D to show an exploded view of their Techno foil.

The Interactive 3D technology makes it possible to explore the foils from every angle and zoom in deeply to see all the details. The experience includes dynamic annotations to provide helpful insights into the composite materials and the product technology.

Using the 3D animation feature on the Emersya platform, BIC created an exploded construction view of their foil in order to demonstrate how the components are put together. This shows online customers how easy it is to assemble their foil when they receive their product.

Extract from the Bic Sport webpage showing the Techno Wind Foil 130 product details of the foil. The animation created with the Emersya platform permit to the brand a guided tour of the two options, fin or foil, for the customer to discover all the details of the product.
Real-time 3D Animations

BIC created a second Interactive 3D experience for the Techno Foil windsurf board product page.
This experience shows the whole windsurf board in 3D with the foil fitted onto it. The product experience enables online customers to click on the animation trigger to see how it is possible to switch between the foil and the standard board fin.

Extract from the Bic Sport webpage showing the Techno Wind Foil 130 product details of the foil. The animation created with the Emersya platform permit to the brand a guided tour with 3 triggers for the customer to discover all the details of the product.
Multi-language dynamic annotations

These kind of Interactive 3D product story-telling experiences help online consumers to get valuable hands-on information about the product in an engaging way. This in turn can increasing consumer confidence and facilitate the buying decision.

About the company

TAHE is a brand born from the union of BIC Sport and Tahe Outdoors, two legendary companies famous for decades of commitment to water sports. BIC Sport’s board sport culture, manufacturing expertise and focus on family fun is now combined with Tahe Outdoors dedication to exploration and craftsmanship.

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