Increase conversion rate with Emersya’s Interactive 3D

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+35% increase in conversion rate with Emersya's Interactive 3D!

It’s official! Emersya’s Interactive 3D increases conversion rate by +35% *

We often get asked whether it is worth making the switch to presenting products in 3D and AR.

So we asked some of our clients to compare the conversion rate of their product pages before and after they embedded their Interactive 3D product experiences.

The results are in and we hope you agree that they are quite convincing!

On average, online customers are 35% more likely to make a purchase when they experience products in Interactive 3D or AR!

If your still not sure, you can check out examples of industry leaders that have made 3D and AR part of their online sales & marketing strategy on our website!

*Stat Source
Emersya’s Interactive 3D viewers are used by 100M+ end users worldwide. Our in-house viewer analytics tool shows that on average, users spend 1m45 playing with an Emersya Interactive 3D product experience. This could be rotating the product, zooming in on the details, clicking on annotation pins, triggering animations or switching between colorways.

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