
Configure products online in real-time 3D

Switch easily between all possible configurations

Visualize furniture in context with AR

Vitra case studies. You are on the webpage of the Vitra configurator of a Pivot Armchair Cast Base on Castors (PACC). Once the plastic shell and the base choosen, you can choose the color of the seat (poppy red or dark grey). The 3D configurator developped with the Emersya technology permit to see the product live step by step after the choice of each component. The price and delivery time is directly updated.
Case studies frame 1
Case studies frame 1

OFML based furniture configurators

Vitra designs and manufactures iconic furniture products, each one with large range of options, colors and materials that together create billions of possible combinations for their customers to choose from.
With so many possible configurations, it was no longer possible for them to pre-render visuals with multiple viewpoints for every single configuration.

Vitra were looking to offer their customers a more engaging product configuration experience with interactive previews for all possible configurations. Using their existing 3D models, digital materials and configuration logic in the OFML data format, they were able to set up a highly efficient work flow for creating Interactive 3D configurators on the Emersya Platform.


Present interactive visuals with unlimited viewpoints for billions of different configurations per product

Offer a more advanced customization experience to enable customers to view products from every angle and with high quality close-ups of the materials

Enable customers to switch between all available product options, colors & materials in one seamless product experience

Interface the online configurators with existing Point of sale system and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)


Emersya Vitra developed a highly efficient work flow for creating fully interactive 3D configurators in seconds by using the developed an OFML importer so that Vitra could upload their pre-formatted product data directly onto the Emersya’s platform and create their fully interactive 3D configurators in seconds.

The platform generates a unique url to load each project into an Emersya 3D viewer, which can be loaded directly in any web browser on any device, or embedded in any web page. Using the Emersya Platform, Vitra created Interactive 3D configurators for both online & in-store product customization experiences, by embedding Emersya’s Interactive 3D viewers in their website and loading them on tablet devices in stores across their retail network.

You are on the Emersya platform of the Vitra configurator of a Pivot Armchair Cast Base on Castors (PACC). The Emersya platform allows you to publish 3D models, digital materials and OFML files. You can create configurators with the different 3D models of the parts of the chairs, the materials and the product logic for building of those parts (using OFML product logic).

The Interactive 3D viewers empower customers to choose from the full range of options for each product and preview them in real-time Interactive 3D. They can visualize all possible product configurations from every angle and zoom in close to see the detail in the different materials.

3 Pictures of a Vitra Eames plastic chair with different bases and seats. There are 2 models of seats (plastic side chair and plastic armchair) and 3 different bases : rocking chair base (RAR), wood and wire base (DSW) and a castor base swivel (PACC) . The color of the plastic chair seat is grey and green.
Fully Interactive 3D product customization

Vitra also offers their customers the possibility to visualize any configuration in their own physical surroundings using Augmented Reality. When customers click on the AR button, Emersya automatically generates the 3D model of their chosen configuration and loads it in Augmented Reality on the customer’s mobile device. The configured product is shown to scale in the space around the customer, allowing them to get an accurate feel for size, fit and design.

Picture presenting a configuration of a Vitra eames chair in AR with Emersya technology. You can choose live in AR different color of plastic shell and change the base. you see the result live in your environment.
Augmented Reality preview

Vitra developed a custom user interface for their different product collections and were able to seamlessly integrate the 3D viewers using Emersya’s API. API calls were used to link each button in the interface with the 3D viewer in order to update the product options, color & material changes. Each time a customer selects a new option, a request is automatically sent to Vitra’s in-house ERP to verify the available stock, the estimated delivery time and the price for the selected option, so that this data can be shown to the customer through the configurator interface.

At the end of the customization experience, the customer may click to order their configured product by clicking on the “ADD TO CART” button. Thanks to two simple API calls, Vitra’s eCcommerce site receives screenshots from predefined viewpoints and the list of the product options chosen by the customer. This information is then used to provide the client with an order summary and is sent to Vitra’s production team when the order is confirmed.

About the company

Vitra is a Swiss manufacturer of designer furniture for the office, public spaces and the home.

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Empower shoppers to easily configure products in Interactive 3D & AR

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